Monday, January 01, 2007

Bayberry Candle Tradition on New Years Eve

Happy New Year and following is a poem that is used in conjunction with burning Bayberry Candles. Some burn the candles on Christmas Eve and others on New Years Eve. We burned our candles on New Years Eve.

This Bayberry candle comes from a friend. So on New Years Eve burn it down to the end. Because a Bayberry candle burned to its socket, brings good luck, good health and wealth to your pocket.


Anonymous said...

This poem was on a candle given to me many years ago... I burned the candle and had a very nice year. I did not burn the candle last two (2) years and had two (2) horrible years. I lost the poem, but now that I found it, I will burn it again to ward off the bad luck....

Tim Rogers said...

I hope it brings you good luck in the new year.


Zenifer Dsouza said...

Beautiful blog on Bayberry wax

It helped me a lot...
Just the best thing.
Thanks for sharing such information....